Sage Nourishment was born from my devotion to personal health, paired with a true love of food and being active outdoors. I have experienced the power of holistic healing by intersecting these three avenues, and have found my purpose through sharing this embodied knowledge.

In 2013, my life shifted overnight. I went from training for my first mountain trail running race, to falling mysteriously ill suddenly. Walking & feeding myself became a daily struggle. Years later, I received the diagnosis of chronic Lyme disease with two co-infections. With this insight, I began receiving treatments that were effective against pathogens, yet destructive to the healthy parts of my body. This is when I discovered the power of whole food nutrition. Through my journey and to this day, food has been my greatest reconstruction tool.

Second in line to nutrition comes a healthy mindset and re-finding confidence in the body through movement in nature

And third is my unwavering commitment to healing.

After years of treating Lyme disease with pharmaceutical drugs, herbs & homeopathic remedies, I still felt sick. I felt isolated, exhausted and frustrated. I knew there was more to the puzzle. That is when I made the decision to commit to a 2-3 year long treatment involving nature: Bee Venom Therapy

I find it synergistic that while nature is what brought this debilitating disease, it also has provided the healing. Nature was already part of my healing path to explore, move and find confidence in myself again; I now have a deep understanding and gratitude around how my relationship with nature is the key for me to thrive and heal.

I believe we have the ability to heal ourselves.


700hr Holistic Nutrition + Culinary Arts Certification
Bauman College

200hr YTT Himalayan Yog-Vedantic Tradition
Sattva Yoga Academy

Chronic illness & auto-immune disorders
Lyme & co-infections
Mold exposure
Existential doubt
Burn-out (from healing, work, life, etc)
Stagnation or blocks (physical, mental, spiritual)
Self-abandonment & struggles with boundaries

…which inform and shape who I am in my work:

Women’s Groups
Somatic Experiencing
Traditional Himalayan Tantra & Kundalini
Mentorship Under Naturopathic Medicine Practitioners
Vedic Meditation & Traditional Yogic Knowledge
Sensual Embodied Movement Practices
Family Constellations
Ecstatic Dance

Herbal Studies
Energy Healing
Jungian Philosophy
Bee Venom Therapy
Shamanism & Journey Work
Vedic & Western Astrology
Buddhist Studies
Equine Therapy
Parts Work